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Together with our partners X-Ray Mineral Services

XRD is the longest established technique for mineral identification and quantification.

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Qualitative Analysis

  • Minerals, ceramics, refractories

  • ICSD and ICDD (PDF4 Minerals) databases

  • Over 200,000 entries in the databases

  • HighScore Plus (V4.9) by PANalytical and Traces (V6) by GBC Scientific Equipment software

Separated Clay Fraction Analysis

  • Unambiguous identification and quantification of clay minerals including swelling and mixed-layer clays

  • Samples are subjected to different chemical and thermal treatments for clay speciation including: ethylene glycol solvation and heat treatment to 380C and 550C

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Quantitative Analysis

  • Quantitative phase analysis using the Rietveld method. Accurate standardless quantitative analysis

  • Analysis using the best Rietveld software available on the market: Autoquan by BGMN, Siroquant by Sietronics and HighScore Plus by PANalytical

  • Alternative quantitative method, in-house Reference Intensity Method (RIR) calibrated with over 250 standards and 

Sample Types

  • Aggregates

  • Minerals and ores

  • Mine tailings

  • Coals

  • Limestone/dolomite

  • Silica sand and clays

  • Airborne quartz


  • High quality analysis

  • High sample throughput

  • Fast turnaround times

  • Analytical versatility


  • Product quality control

  • Borehole studies

  • Environmental investigations

  • Mineral exploration

  • Construction material evaluation

  • Geological studies


Internal standard
mixtures 2019

X-Ray Mineral Services are continuously improving their methodologies and check their precision and accuracy against mixtures of known mineral standards.

The latest mixtures were prepared to check the quantification given by the Rietveld software “Autoquan”, with special interest in the relative proportions of illite and mica. 

Illite and mica are structurally similar - their basal reflections have the same 2d spacing. Therefore, it is very difficult to differentiate between them by XRD using a conventional method like the Reference Intensity Ratio (RIR) method. The quantification of illite and mica was therefore achieved using the Rietveld method which is able to decipher experimental complications, such as peak overlap. Being a “full-pattern analysis” method, all intensity data from the pattern are taken into account, resulting in advantages over the conventional RIR method.

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Mineral & Chemical

X-ray Mineral Services Ltd was established in 1997 to provide high quality X-ray Diffraction (XRD) and X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) analytical services. We strive for data excellence and are
recognised as a global leader in the provision of mineralogical data to a wide range of clients.

Mineral Analysis

Mineralogy identified using a PANalytical
Xpert3 Powder Diffractometer:

  • Quartz/Cristobalite/Opal

  • Carbonates/Calcite/Dolomite

  • Silicates

  • Feldspars

  • Clay minerals and behaviours

  • Sulphides and sulphates

  • Phosphates

  • Fe/Mn ores

  • Evaporites

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Chemical Analysis

Elemental chemistry identified using a Rigaku Supermini200 WD-XRF and Rigaku NEX-DE ED-XRF Spectrometers:

Major elements (oxides)
SiO2, TiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, MnO, MgO, CaO, Na2O, K2O, P2O5, SO3, BaO
• Automatic fused bead production for repeatability
• Loss on Ignition

Minor (trace) elements
V, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, Ge, Se,
Br, As, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Mo, Ag,
Cd, In, Sn, Sb, I, Cs, Ba, La, Hf,
Ta, W, Pb, Bi, Ce, Nd, Th, U.



Satisfaction Guaranteed

  • Construction material evaluations (e.g. aggregates, feedstock materials, pyrite content, brick & tile clays, bentonite)

  • Mineral exploration and resource planning

  • Silica content of sand

  • Product quality control (e.g. synthetics and refractories)

  • Environmental investigations (e.g. mine tailings)

  • Materials safety (e.g. respirable quartz, free silica)

  • Ground investigation

  • Ceramic bodies

  • Fillers

  • Agricultural lime

  • Gemstones, beads and artefacts


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